Qualcomm has unveiled the newest generation in the 8 Mobile Platform Series, the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Mobile Platform supporting multi-gigabit 5G, AI and immersive extended reality (XR) collectively. Using new chip architectures built on leading 7nm process technology, Snapdragon 855 will offer users long-lasting battery life and superior experiences in areas such as imaging, audio, gaming and XR.
The Snapdragon 855 Mobile Platform unleashes transformative 5G experiences to the world, with the Snapdragon X50 5G modem, while harnessing the best in multi-gigabit 4G connectivity with the built in Snapdragon X24 LTE modem. With Snapdragon X50, this platform supports 5G for both Sub-6 GHz and mmWave frequency bands, providing blazing-fast responsiveness and unprecedented speeds. It is designed to deliver Multi-Gigabit speeds that were previously unachievable in mobile communication.
In mmWave frequency bands, users can expect up to 20x faster average performance compared to some of the current commercial solutions, to master the extreme data demands of today and pave the way for next-generation immersive experiences, including multiplayer VR gaming, shopping with AR, and real-time video collaboration.
Snapdragon 855 features the Qualcomm Kryo 485 CPU built on Arm Cortex Technology, offering up to a 45% performance improvement over our previous generation flagship platform. The new GPU provides up to 20% faster graphics than the previous generation. Gaming experiences using Adreno graphics will achieve a new level of realism with through support of Vulkan 1.1, high dynamic range (HDR), and physically based rendering (PBR).
Snapdragon 855 features the 4th generation multi-core Qualcomm AI Engine, which offers a total capacity of more than 7 trillion operations per second (7 TOPs), and 3x the AI performance compared to the previous generation mobile platform. The all-new Qualcomm Hexagon 690 processor includes a newly designed Hexagon Tensor Accelerator (HTA) and four Hexagon Vector eXtensions (HVX) – a doubling of vector processing from our previous generation flagship, plus four scalar threads, all of which provide a powerful blend of dedicated and programmable AI acceleration.
The Qualcomm Spectra 380 ISP integrates numerous hardware accelerated computer vision (CV) capabilities, enabling the world’s first announced CV-ISP to provide cutting-edge computational photography and video capture features while at the same time offering up to 4x power savings. The CV-ISP includes hardware-based depth sensing which enables video capture, object classification, and object segmentation all in real-time in 4K HDR at 60fps.
Snapdragon 855 provides consumers with an upgraded entertainment platform for more realistic gaming, improved cinematics, and higher performing XR.
The Snapdragon 855 Mobile Platform is currently sampling to customers and is expected to begin shipping in commercial devices in 1H 2019. Snapdragon 855 will power the next generation of premium flagship devices and launch the world into a new decade of more immersive and connected user experiences. For more information please visit Qualcomm’s site at www.qualcomm.com/snapdragon
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