RISC-V International has ratified the RVA23 Profile for 64-bit application processors. This profile standardizes operating system compatibility and software portability across hardware implementations, reducing vendor lock-in for system developers.
The RVA23 Profile completed development and review through RISC-V’s 80 technical working groups before board ratification. The profile defines mandatory and optional features that developers can implement or discover at runtime, enhancing flexibility for middleware, libraries, and applications.
Key technical components include:
The Vector extension processes math-intensive workloads for AI/ML, cryptography, and compression. This extension establishes baseline requirements for Android RISC-V ABI compatibility and enhances mobile computing performance.
The Hypervisor extension enables virtualization for enterprise and cloud computing applications while providing security separation between components in mobile applications. This addition supports development of enterprise hardware and operating systems.
According to Omdia research, RISC-V processors are projected to reach 25% market share by 2030. Engineers at universities worldwide are training on RISC-V architecture, contributing to adoption across academic and commercial sectors.
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