AMBER wireless GmbH, a Würth Elektronik eiSos Group company, expands the functionality of its AMB2621 Bluetooth Smart Module: The packet size for payload data transmission is raised from 128 to 243 bytes. Additionally, the extremely compact and energy-saving wireless module now has a bonding option. In use, this allows the pairing key to be stored […]
Bluetooth smart modules get certification for Canadian and US markets
AMBER wireless GmbH, a Würth Elektronik eiSos Group company, has had the AMB2621 Bluetooth Smart module certified for the Canadian and US markets (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Telecommunication Part 15 – Radio Frequency Devices). Manufacturers that use the extremely compact and energy-saving wireless module in their products gain time and cost benefits as […]
Bluetooth Smart module optimized for mobile phone integration
AMBER wireless GmbH, a Würth Elektronik eiSos Group company, offers an extremely compact and energy-saving wireless module – the AMB2621 Bluetooth Smart module. A special feature: Besides standard control with UART commands, smartphones or other devices can be connected to form a module by initializing with the “peripheral only” operating mode. AMB2621 is a 2.4 […]